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How to use cold pressed oil in daily meals

Aspiring for a better tomorrow is the very basic nature of every human being. Health plays an important role in the achieving it. It is well said that “Quality of life that matters than the Quantity” hence people have started switching their life style to healthier options. Though initially it looks tough to change the life style, it becomes a part of daily routine over a period of time.

Who said consuming oil is bad for health? It is consuming bad oil is bad for health. In short consuming good edible oil is very essential for healthier life. So, the answer is very simple. Use what your forefathers had consumed for  

generation – COLD PRESSED OIL.   These oils retain all the nutrients and are free from chemicals. The temperature of the oil does not increase exponently during extraction process. Oil during extraction could be as cool as 5oC above ambient temperature. This ensures that there is no loss of medicinal properties and nutrients in the final product.   

Difference between cold-pressed cooking oil and refined oil

Cold pressed cooking oil manufacturing process: 

Extract oil from dried oil seeds without introducing any type of heat like steam, etc. It is a simple process. Allow the sediments to settle in the bottom before packing it. Cold pressing is the safest and most organic way to extract oil. 

Refined cooking oil manufacturing process: 

Raw vegetable oil, obtained from seeds by pressingsolvent extraction, contains free fatty acids and other components such as phospholipids, waxesperoxidesaldehydes, and ketones, which contribute to undesirable flavor, odor, and appearance. For these reasons oil has to be refined.

Steps involved in refining edible oil:

  1. Degumming.
  2. Neutralization.
  3. Winterization or dewaxing.
  4. Bleaching and filtration.
  5. Deodorization.
  6. Polishing.

Cold-pressed oil can be used to prepare anything from hearty Indian dishes to breakfast and snacks.

  • It can be used during breakfast to prepare Upma, Dosa  and other nutritious snacks. 
  • Because it doesn’t affect the flavour of salads, this oil is a wonderful choice for the toppings.
  • Chapatis and parathas will be delicious if cooked with cold pressed oils.
  • It is used to stir-fry vegetables which are a necessary part of every Indian dishes.
  • Cold Pressed Gingelly Oil is used in Asian dishes for there sauces. 
  • Cold Pressed Coconut Oil is used in Continental and South India dishes

Few benefits of cold pressed coconut oil:

If you’re looking for healthy oils, cold pressed coconut oil is one among the best options. Its high lauric acid concentration is frequently cited as a contributing factor in controlling fungal, parasitic, and viral activities. Consuming coconut oil normally while cooking improves digestion and immunity. Cold-pressed coconut oil is one of the best moisturizers for skin. It is also applied to control hair fall and to support hair growth. 

Cold-pressed oils can be utilised in a variety of ways and for a variety of things, from regular uses to special occasions. They provide wide range of advantages for us when we consider leading healthier lifestyles. All we need to do is make a move in the right direction of better living through innovative methods to suit individual taste. Cold- Pressed oils are available online in the comforts of your home. So why think twice for a change. Go for it right now.

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